Thoughts on User Information Security Beyond Quantum Encrypt_北京源点思博科技有限公司 

Thoughts on User Information Security Beyond Quantum Encrypt

2018-11-29 10:43| Autor: | Check: |

For me, information security is a fast and exciting area of ​​development. There is new news in the industry almost every morning.
Recently, I read a news article that the University of Science and Technology of China is investing in a 2,000-kilometer long, quantum communication network from Beijing to Shanghai, and is expected to be completed by 2016. The project's promoters hope to provide users with the safest communication environment through quantum encryption technology.
Fortinet Founder & CTO Xie Hua
This is a great ambition.
In theory, the safety of quantum communication networks is dripping. Any attempt to intercept an encryption key will change the physical state of the quantum data or qubit, triggering a communication program alert. Currently, there are many laboratories in different countries around the world that are studying this technology.
Is this quantum encryption technology like the "Holy Grail" of the information security industry really so successful? I believe that the developers of quantum encryption will work tirelessly to pursue this unbreakable security technology, but even so, I still can't help but ask whether a single technology, no matter how perfect, can really solve the most complicated problems of human beings. One, and become the ultimate and only solution.
According to my observation, quantum encryption has to be widely adopted to face two thresholds: the cost-effectiveness of adoption, and more importantly, even if quantum encryption itself is indestructible, there are still weak links in other parts of the security system.
Is it cost effective?
At present, it is not possible to clearly estimate the cost of introducing quantum cryptography, but it seems to be very high, especially in the early stage of research and development, when the technology is not mature and there are not many users. For enterprises, it is very important to increase profits and reduce expenses. In addition, the existing low-cost encryption technology can meet the security requirements of most enterprise applications. Therefore, how can enterprises invest higher cost into quantum encryption? system?
Enterprise security is determined by the weakest link
The more daunting challenge is that information security is not a separate puzzle, but an interconnected system. If quantum encryption is really difficult to crack, cybercriminals can still target the attack in the weak links of the information security system. For example, they can use social engineering to obtain information about confidential data, or they can embed malware on users' computers and steal data, like most hackers today.
Because quantum encryption can only ensure the security of data transmission, this is only a part of the entire security chain. If it is called an "unbreakable security" technology, it is a bit exaggerated. In fact, there are other technologies besides quantum technology, just as many industries rely on not just the technology itself, but the truth is the same.
It is necessary to continuously strengthen the fragile links in the security chain; to achieve the goal of improving overall security by unifying industry information sharing and security regulations or requirements to promote the upgrading of individual components.
This means that while providers of information security solutions strive to share threat intelligence and develop their own technologies, businesses and consumers must spend time learning more about network security and preventing attacks. In addition, not only the local CERT team must improve their resilience, but also the research institutions in various regions have stepped up their efforts to cultivate cyber security talents.
There are many other directions that need to be worked out, and many related fields and areas are involved. The real key is that these related companies and research units need to work hard and cooperate with each other in order to create a safe and viable environment, rather than relying solely on a quantum encryption technology.
